Monday, November 30, 2009

Does that temporary pink hair mascara stuff work?

Does it look good and where can I get it? Thanks.

I have dark hair too....Does that temporary pink hair mascara stuff work?
On dark hair it usually doesn't show up. You can get that stuff at Claire's Stores. For dark hair I would go with clip in extensions if you want a little color, usually they're about the same price as the hair mascara.Does that temporary pink hair mascara stuff work?
it depends on how thick your hair is and it's probably doesn't show up very bright like on the bottle even in thin hair and on like jet black hair i think it would look awesome-thumbs up- but just like dark brown...idk. You can get it at claires in the mall or any other ';tween'; store and probably at any drugstore like walgreens or rite-aid.

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